What Does The Speaker Of The House Do?

The United States federal government has three separate parts. One of those is the legislative branch. The legislative branch is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The House has 435 members, representing every state in the union. The Speaker of the House leads the House. They are usually a member of the party that makes up the majority of the members of the House, and they are elected by the members of the House. Read More 

Why Your Doctor May Suggest An Overnight Stay At A Medical Clinic

When a doctor suggests an overnight stay at a medical clinic, there are typically certain underlying reasons for the recommendation. Many people fail to understand why a doctor may suggest this option and can even decline the offer. Here are some of the main reasons why your doctor may suggest an overnight stay at a medical clinic: To Monitor a Patient Closely for Any Changes in Their Condition If your doctor believes that you may be suffering from a serious medical issue, they may suggest an overnight stay at a medical clinic to closely monitor your condition and any changes in your symptoms. Read More